Smart Contracts

"A valid contract requires voluntary offer, acceptance, and consideration." — Robert Higgs

The OptSwap protocol consists of ten (10) core smart contracts – six (6) of which are deployed at genesis, and four (4) of which are deployable via governance proposals.

The Genesis Smart Contracts are all Singletons, i.e. they have a single instance and canonical address. The Governance Deployable Smart Contracts will have separate (multiple) instances, one for each DEX, AMM, commercial paper or staking contract.

Genesis Smart Contracts (Singletons)

  1. OptSwapDAOGovernance: The main DAO Governance Contract. No Owner. Governance proposals can only be passed by a greater than two-thirds (67%) majority of votes by OptSwapDAOVeToken holders.

  2. OptSwapDAOFundraising: The DAO Fundraising contract. Owned by the OptSwapDAOGovernance.

  3. OptSwapDAOAirdrops: The DAO Airdrops contract. Owned by the OptSwapDAOGovernance.

  4. MetaOracle: The Liquidity & Price Meta Oracle. Owned by the OptSwapDAOGovernance.

  5. OptSwapDAOToken: The DAO Governance Token. Owned & Mintable by the MetaOracle.

  6. OptSwapDAOVeToken: The Non-Transferrable Vote-Escrowed Token Contract. Owned by & Mintable by escrowing the OptSwapDAOToken.

Governance Deployable Smart Contracts (Separate Instances)

  1. OptSwap: The OptSwap Decentralized Exchange (DEX) contract for a particular underlying-cash pair. Owned by the OptSwapDAOGovernance.

  2. OptSwapAMM: The OptSwap Automated Market Maker (AMM) contact for a particular DEX. Owned by the OptSwapDAOGovernance.

  3. OptSwapDAOStaking: OptSwap Staking contracts. No Owner.

  4. OptSwapDAOCommercialPaperToken: OptSwap DAO Commercial Paper contracts. Owned by the OptSwapDAOGovernance.

Last updated

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