Smart Contracts
"A valid contract requires voluntary offer, acceptance, and consideration." — Robert Higgs
The OptSwap protocol consists of ten (10) core smart contracts – six (6) of which are deployed at genesis, and four (4) of which are deployable via governance proposals.
The Genesis Smart Contracts are all Singletons, i.e. they have a single instance and canonical address. The Governance Deployable Smart Contracts will have separate (multiple) instances, one for each DEX, AMM, commercial paper or staking contract.
Genesis Smart Contracts (Singletons)
: The main DAO Governance Contract. No Owner. Governance proposals can only be passed by a greater than two-thirds (67%) majority of votes byOptSwapDAOVeToken
: The DAO Fundraising contract. Owned by theOptSwapDAOGovernance
: The DAO Airdrops contract. Owned by theOptSwapDAOGovernance
: The Liquidity & Price Meta Oracle. Owned by theOptSwapDAOGovernance
: The DAO Governance Token. Owned & Mintable by theMetaOracle
: The Non-Transferrable Vote-Escrowed Token Contract. Owned by & Mintable by escrowing theOptSwapDAOToken
Governance Deployable Smart Contracts (Separate Instances)
: The OptSwap Decentralized Exchange (DEX) contract for a particular underlying-cash pair. Owned by theOptSwapDAOGovernance
: The OptSwap Automated Market Maker (AMM) contact for a particular DEX. Owned by theOptSwapDAOGovernance
: OptSwap Staking contracts. No Owner.OptSwapDAOCommercialPaperToken
: OptSwap DAO Commercial Paper contracts. Owned by theOptSwapDAOGovernance
Last updated
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